"The Book of the Vyborny
comprises a brief information concerning
some members of Vyborny family of the region of
Tabor, South
Editorial notes inserted in the text into [] brackets
the same way as in other pages of this website. By question
marks labeled those words which have not been deciphered
safely in the photographic negatives.
page #156
The family of the region of Tabor, South Bohemia
No excerpta from older "matrika" books I have searched for have been found, unfortunately. According to the information of the parish office of Drazice, they should be kept in archives of Tabor town. I have obtained an negative answer from there, however.There exists the parish office at Drazice since 1757. Here (or at Mezdrici [the adjacent Mezirici village], perhaps) there was the family of Vojtech [Vejborny] and of Katerina nee Nekansky[?] 1787-93, the owner of the little house. Further there was the family of Josef Vejborny and Kater. nee Vasek[?] the farmer, marriage of which was in 1791. Another marriage in the year 1801 there was of Jan Vejborny the owner of the house to Rozalie Vosta[?]. In 1814 [there was a marriage] of Frt. Vejborny to Dorota Novak, the owner of the house, another one in 1814 of Josef Vejb. to Magd. Hejra[?] the day-worker.
Descendants of those families are still living in the neighborhood of Tabor town, South Bohemia.